FHP Forms // Incoming FHP Class of Fall '24 info:

We can't wait to meet you at the FHP Kickoff on Sunday, August 25! Reach out to Honors staff if you have questions as you prepare to move to Ames.



Stay involved in FHP!


Honors 121 Degree Program assignment information

Students in Honors 121 complete one major assignment, the Degree Program Assignment. Detailed information about the assignment is found in the Honors 121 Canvas page, and additional assignment forms (by college) are found below. The assignment is due on Canvas on November 15, 2023 (sections A-F) or on November 16, 2023 (sections G-P).

Degree Program assignment forms


The Honors Letter of Intent (pdf/doc) to remain in Honors after FHP is due January 19, 2024


    The annual FHP Retreat:

    Honors House group photo

    Here's what 2022 FHP students liked best about the retreat:

    • The mini games were by far the best thing (family feud, name that tune, etc.)
    • Late night, giant volleyball and roasting smores
    • Spending time with my section
    • I liked that we were able to choose what we get to do throughout the night
    • The competitiveness between the sections
    • Being able to spend time with my section collaborating like in the Olympics
    • Volleyball and dance party
    • Working together with my team and generally just having more time to talk with them
    • Being able to connect with my class
    • Making smores and talking with my section
    • Childhood regression! I made Peppa pig out of iron beads
    • Late night, it was great being able to make smores, play gaga ball, and VB, and just wander around talking with friends.
    • Lip sync battle and playing dodgeball before the retreat started
    • I enjoyed experiencing an actual campfire sort of experience and finding people I know
    • Teasing Fernando