First-Year Honors Mentor Program Grant

Grants up to $250 (individual) or $500 (group) are available to support research expenses incurred by students participating in the First-Year Honors Mentor Program. Requests for funds are made jointly by student(s) and mentor.

The University Honors Program has limited funds to support First-Year Honors Mentor Program projects. Preference will be given to proposals in which the student shows significant responsibilities in carrying out the research.



  • The applicant(s) must be members of the First-Year Honors Program and enrolled in the First-Year Honors Mentor Program.


Acceptable funding requests

  • Materials and supplies that are used as part of the research or creative process, such as assay kits, chemicals, construction materials, etc.
  • Fees for professional services or external support that are required for the research project (e.g., statistical analysis or lab analysis).
  • Equipment needed to complete the research. Examples might include a FitBit for an exercise monitoring project or video game for a study on gaming psychology. Contributions toward the purchase of a piece of equipment or hardware that would reside with an academic unit or administrative office upon completion of the project (e.g., a 3-D printer) will be considered but not prioritized.
  • Incentives for survey participation, such as a small prize for a drawing among participants.
  • Fees for access to online resources not available through the university.
  • Interlibrary loan charges and reproduction of library research material.
  • Travel to conduct research. Travel expenses must be justified and have a clear relationship to the goals of the project. Reimbursement will be in accordance with university travel policies.
  • Printing, copying, and photographic services. Note: Printing and copying must be done by an ISU Printing and Copy Center unless alternative arrangements are approved in advanced by Honors.

Things FHMP grants do not fund

  • Poster printing
  • A student's time
  • Equipment or software that is available to students on campus, unless a justification can be made for its need for use in an off-campus location
  • Travel expenses for attendance at a national or regional meeting or conference

  • The student(s) and faculy mentor should work closely to plan the project, develop an itemized budget, and assess funding needs.
  • Applications and deadlines for grants and scholarships.
  • All submissions must be typed (not hand-written).
  • For group projects, list all student participants on the application. Do not submit separate applications for each student. Funding for group projects is limited to $500/group regardless of the number of students participating.
  • Applications must be submitted in an Excel format (saved as an .xls file). Students do not need to submit a hard copy.
  • Applications must include signatures for all student applicants and the faculty advisor. A PDF version of the application may be submitted if signatures are collected using DocuSign, Adobe Acrobat, or on a hard copy. The PDF would be in addition to the Excel file.
  • Applications need to be uploaded to the CyBox folder by the posted deadline to be considered for funding.

Additional Considerations

  • HUMAN SUBJECT STATEMENT: Students doing projects involving human subjects must obtain the approval of the ISU Institutional Review Board prior to initiation of the project. This committee evaluates for compliance with university guidelines any research involving humans as subjects, including projects that use questionnaires or otherwise gather data from subjects. Human subjects forms and submission instructions are available on the Research Ethics website. Note that you must allow at least 4-6 weeks for IRB determination of approval following submission of the required form for committee review.
  • ANIMAL CARE AND USE STATEMENT: Students doing projects involving animal care or use must obtain the approval of the ISU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee prior to initiation of the project. Animal care and use forms and submission instructions are available on the Research Ethics website. Note that you must allow at least 4-6 weeks for IACUC determination of approval following submission of the required form for committee review.
  • COPYRIGHTED MATERIALS: Students using copyrighted materials are expected to comply with copyright law.

  • The Research Grants Subcommittee evaluates applications for clarity, originality, and content; ranks the applications; and makes recommendations for funding to the University Honors Program Committee, which grants the awards. The subcommittee shall include an Honors Student Board (HSB) representative or student alternate.
  • The maximum award is $250 for individuals and $500 for a group. In some cases the committee will award partial funding for designated items in the budget request.
  • The Undergraduate Research Coordinator will notify students and mentors of awards via e-mail.
  • All student recipients and the faculty mentor are required to sign a contract of acceptance for the award. Contracts will be issued and signed through DocuSign.

Upon acceptance of the FHMP Grant the student agrees to:

  • Include the following acknowledgement on any report or presentation related to the project: This research was funded in part by a First-Year Honors Mentor Program Grant made available through the Iowa State University Foundation in conjunction with the University Honors Program.
  • Present the results of the funded project. The forum for presenting the results may be a poster presented at the Spring Honors Poster Session; a written report; an oral presentation to the annual Symposium on Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression; a presentation to an academic department or professional society; or another format deemed appropriate by the student and the mentor and approved by the Undergraduate Research Coordinator.
  • Provide the University Honors Program with up to 4 hours of volunteer time to help with special activities (e.g., Symposium on Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression, Honors Poster events, writing thank-you notes for donors, First-Year Honors Program Retreat, etc.).

Funding process

  • Honors will transfer the funding to the faculty mentor, and purchases will be handled at the department level on the faculty member's own worktags.
  • Funding can be deposited into any type of account, including a PI or incentive account. Worktags will be requested as part of the application process.
  • Changes to or substitutions for specific items outlined in the budget should be approved by the Undergraduate Research Coordinator or Honors Program Director.

University Honors Program Grants

Grants of up to $750 are available to help cover project expenses for Honors capstone projects.


An online application that routes through Qualtrics for electronic signatures.


  • The applicant must be a member of the Honors Program.
  • Budgeted expenses must be for research or creative expression undertaken as part of an Honors capstone project.
  • An Honors project for which funding is sought must have already been approved or submitted for approval.
  • Applications must include an attached letter of support from the applicant’s research adviser.
  • Capstone or research projects that are underway and have future expenses are eligible for funding. Projects that are substantially completed are not eligible. Students may not request reimbursement for prior expenses.
  • A student may submit an application for both a University Honors Program grant and a Stewart Research Award in support of their capstone project. The justification of need, types of budgeted expenses, likelihood of a resulting publication, and availability of funds will all factor into award decisions.
  • Projects registered for credit will be prioritized, as will projects that are likely to result in a student-authored or coauthored publication.


Acceptable funding requests

  • Materials and supplies that are used as part of the research or creative process, such as assay kits, chemicals, paint, construction materials, etc.
  • Interlibrary loan charges and reproduction of library research material.
  • Fees for professional services or external support that are required for the research project and are beyond the capabilities of the student (e.g., statistical analysis or lab analysis).
  • Equipment needed to complete the research. Examples might include a FitBit for an exercise monitoring project or video game for a study on gaming psychology. Note: After completion of the project any such equipment must be returned to - and becomes the property of - the University Honors Program unless other arrangements are made in advance.
  • Travel to conduct research. In most cases, travel costs will be capped at $375; some situations may justify funding up to the total allowance of the grant. Travel expenses must be justified and have a clear relationship to the goals of the project. Reimbursement will be in accordance with university travel policies.
  • Printing, copying, and photographic services. Note: Printing and copying must be done by an ISU Printing and Copy Center unless alternative arrangements are approved in advanced by Honors.

Things UHP grants do not fund

  • Travel expenses for attendance at a national or regional meeting or conference.
  • A student's time.
  • Funding toward a piece of equipment or hardware that would reside with an academic unit or administrative office upon completion of the project (e.g., a 3-D printer for a research lab).
  • Equipment or software that is available to students on campus, unless a justification can be made for its need for use in an off-campus location.

  • Students should work closely with their faculty supervisor to plan the project, develop an itemized budget, and assess funding needs.
  • Applications and deadlines for grants and scholarships.
  • Submitted applications are automatically routed through Qualtrics to the faculty supervisor for approval and then to the Honors office. Students do not need to submit a hard copy. Students do not need to submit a hard copy.
  • Applications must include an attached letter of support from the applicant’s research adviser.
  • Students will be contacted if there are unanswered questions, additional information needed, or revisions requested. Revised applications must be re-submitted through Qualtrics and receive a new approval from the faculty supervisor.

 Additional Considerations

  • HUMAN SUBJECT STATEMENT: Students doing projects involving human subjects must obtain the approval of the ISU Institutional Review Board prior to initiation of the project. This committee evaluates for compliance with university guidelines any research involving humans as subjects, including projects that use questionnaires or otherwise gather data from subjects. Human subjects forms and submission instructions are available on the Research Ethics website. Note that you must allow at least 4-6 weeks for IRB determination of approval following submission of the required form for committee review.
  • ANIMAL CARE AND USE STATEMENT: Students doing projects involving animal care or use must obtain the approval of the ISU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee prior to initiation of the project. Animal care and use forms and submission instructions are available on the Research Ethics website. Note that you must allow at least 4-6 weeks for IACUC determination of approval following submission of the required form for committee review.
  • COPYRIGHTED MATERIALS: Students using copyrighted materials are expected to comply with copyright law.

  • The Research Grants Subcommittee evaluates applications for clarity, originality, and content, and makes recommendations for funding to the University Honors Program Committee, who grants awards. The subcommittee shall include an Honors Student Board (HSB) representative or student alternate.
  • The maximum award is $750. In some cases the committee will award partial funding for designated items in the budget request.
  • Applicants, along with the student's Honors advisor and research or student organization supervisor, are notified of the committee's decision via email.
  • Grant recipients are required to sign and return a contract of acceptance for the award. 

Upon acceptance of the UHP Grant the student agrees to:

  • Include the following acknowledgement on any report or presentation related to the project: 
    • This research was funded in part or whole by a University Honors Program Grant made available through the Iowa State University Foundation in conjunction with the University Honors Program.
  • Complete the research and submit the results no later than Prep Week of the semester of graduation. Failure to do so may result in the termination of the research award with the student reimbursing the research award fund for any expenses incurred.
  • Present the final results at a University Honors Poster Presentation.
  • Submit to the University Honors Program office an electronic copy and 2 printouts of the final project report: 1 for the Honors Program, 1 for the University Archives.
  • Adhere to the ISU policy regarding printing and copy services.
  • Provide the University Honors Program with up to 4 hours of volunteer time to help with special activities (e.g., Symposium on Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression, Honors Poster events, thank-you notes for donors, First-Year Honors Program Retreat, etc.).
  • Submit any expenses for reimbursement by the Monday of Prep Week for the semester in which the project is presented.
  • Return any equipment or unused materials purchased with the funds to the Honors Program. 

Payment for all grant-funded expenses should be discussed and coordinated with the University Honors Program office.

  • Purchases billed to the award should be made through an Honors Program administrative staff member, the faculty research supervisor, or a university procurement specialist in accordance with university policy.
  • Purchases made by the student (for which reimbursement will be sought) must be approved in advance by the Honors Program administrative staff.
  • Travel arrangements, including the purchase of airline or bus tickets, should be discussed and approved in advance with an Honors program administrative staff member to ensure university travel policies are met.
  • Changes of $50 or more in the funding categories listed in the budget or changes to or substitutions for specific items outlined in the budget, should be approved by the Honors Program Director.

Stewart Research Award

Grants of up to $750 are available to help cover project expenses for Honors capstone and other research projects. Preference for these awards will be given to research that is likely to result in a student-authored or coauthored publication.


An online application that routes through Qualtrics for electronic signatures.


  • The applicant must be a member of the Honors Program.
  • Stewart Research Awards may fund research or creative expression undertaken as part of an Honors capstone project OR used to support research expenses incurred as part of a separate, unrelated project.
  • An Honors project for which funding is sought must have already been approved or submitted for approval.
  • Applications must include an attached letter of support from the applicant’s research advisor.
  • Capstone or research projects that are underway and have future expenses are eligible for funding. Projects that are substantially completed are not eligible. Students may not request reimbursement for prior expenses.
  • A student may submit an application for both a University Honors Program grant and a Stewart Research Award in support of their capstone project. The justification of need, types of budgeted expenses, likelihood of a resulting publication, and availability of funds will all factor into award decisions.
  • Approved Honors capstone projects or the continuation of first-year mentored research will be prioritized, as will projects that are likely to result in a student-authored or coauthored publication.
  • If the applicant has already received funds from the University Honors Program for their Honors project, funding for a second research project shall be considered only during the spring round of awards and if funds remain.


Acceptable funding requests

  • Materials and supplies that are used as part of the research or creative process, such as assay kits, chemicals, paint, construction materials, etc.
  • Interlibrary loan charges and reproduction of library research material.
  • Fees for professional services or external support that are required for the research project and are beyond the capabilities of the student (e.g., statistical analysis or lab analysis).
  • Equipment needed to complete the research. Examples might include a FitBit for an exercise monitoring project or video game for a study on gaming psychology. Note: Upon completion of the project, equipment purchased with this award may remain with the supporting lab or department.
  • A piece of equipment or hardware that would reside with an academic unit or administrative office upon completion of the project (e.g., a 3-D printer for a research lab)
  • Travel to conduct research or to present the research at a conference. In most cases, travel costs will be capped at $300.00; some situations may justify funding up to the total allowance of the grant. Travel expenses must be justified and have a clear relationship to the goals of the project. Reimbursement will be in accordance with university travel policies.
  • Conference registration or abstract fees for a meeting at which the research is being presented.
  • Printing, copying, and photographic services. Note: Printing and copying must be done by an ISU Printing and Copy Center unless alternative arrangements are approved in advanced by Honors.

Things Stewart Awards do not fund

  • A student's time
  • Equipment or software that is available to students on campus, unless a justification can be made for its need for use in an off-campus location

  • Students should work closely with their faculty supervisor to plan the project, develop an itemized budget, and assess funding needs.
  • Applications and deadlines for grants and scholarships.
  • Submitted applications are automatically routed through Qualtrics to the faculty supervisor for approval and then to the Honors office. Students do not need to submit a hard copy. Students do not need to submit a hard copy.
  • Applications must include an attached letter of support from the applicant’s research adviser.
  • Students will be contacted if there are unanswered questions, additional information needed, or revisions requested. Revised applications must be re-submitted through Qualtrics and receive a new approval from the faculty supervisor.

 Additional Considerations

  • HUMAN SUBJECT STATEMENT: Students doing projects involving human subjects must obtain the approval of the ISU Institutional Review Board prior to initiation of the project. This committee evaluates for compliance with university guidelines any research involving humans as subjects, including projects that use questionnaires or otherwise gather data from subjects. Human subjects forms and submission instructions are available on the Research Ethics website. Note that you must allow at least 4-6 weeks for IRB determination of approval following submission of the required form for committee review.
  • ANIMAL CARE AND USE STATEMENT: Students doing projects involving animal care or use must obtain the approval of the ISU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee prior to initiation of the project. Animal care and use forms and submission instructions are available on the Research Ethics website. Note that you must allow at least 4-6 weeks for IACUC determination of approval following submission of the required form for committee review.
  • COPYRIGHTED MATERIALS: Students using copyrighted materials are expected to comply with copyright law.

  • The maximum award is $750. In some cases the committee will award partial funding for designated items in the budget request.
  • Applicants, along with the student's Honors advisor and research or student organization supervisor, are notified of the committee's decision via email.
  • Grant recipients are required to sign and return a contract of acceptance for the award. 

Upon acceptance of the Stewart Research Award the student agrees to:

  • Include the following acknowledgement on any report or presentation related to the project: This research was funded in part or whole by a Stewart Research Award made available through the Iowa State University Foundation in conjunction with the University Honors Program.
  • Complete the research and submit the results no later than Prep Week. Failure to do so may result in the termination of the research award, with the student reimbursing any expenses incurred.
  • Present the final results at a University Honors Poster Presentation.
  • Submit to the University Honors Program office an electronic copy and 3 printouts of the final project report: 1 for the Honors Program, 1 for the University Archives, and 1 to be shared with Dr. Cecil Stewart.
  • Prepare a letter to the donor, Dr. Cecil Stewart, to provide an overview of the project and acknowledge his support of the research.
  • Adhere to the ISU policy regarding printing and copy services.
  • Provide the University Honors Program with up to 4 hours of volunteer time to help with special activities (e.g., Symposium on Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression, Honors Poster events, thank-you notes for donors, First-Year Honors Program Retreat, etc.).
  • Submit any expenses for reimbursement by the Monday of Prep Week for the semester in which the project is presented. 

Payment for all grant-funded expenses should be discussed and coordinated with the University Honors Program office.

  • Purchases billed to the award should be made through an Honors Program administrative staff member, the faculty research supervisor, or a university procurement specialist in accordance with university policy.
  • If travel is purchased on a personal credit card, reimbursement can take place only after the travel occurs.
  • Purchases made by the student (for which reimbursement will be sought) must be approved in advance by the Honors Program administrative staff.
  • Travel arrangements should be discussed and approved in advance with an Honors program administrative staff member to ensure university travel policies are met. Students are encouraged to work with the Honors Program staff to purchase airline tickets.
  • Changes of $50 or more in the funding categories listed in the budget or changes to or substitutions for specific items outlined in the budget, should be approved by the Honors Program Director.

Honors Student Enrichment Grant

Grants of up to $300 are available to help cover travel and/or registration expenses to present research at a national conference, or expenses related to the preparation of a manuscript for publication. Preference will be given to students presenting at an academic or professional conference.


An online application that routes through Qualtrics for electronic signatures.

  • Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, funds permitting. Once all funding has been allocated for a given academic semester, the website will be updated and no additional applications will be accepted until the following semester. 
  • Note: Do not submit this application for NCUR funding. Information will be sent to students with abstracts accepted for presentation.
  • Applications and deadlines for grants and scholarships


  • The applicant must be classified as a member of the Honors Program.
  • Applications must include a copy of the confirmation of acceptance to present at the conference or poster session or submission for publication.
  • Preference is given to students presenting research, scholarship, or creative expression, including work done for an Honors capstone project, at an academic or professional conference. Attendance at student conferences such as NCUR will be supported if funds allow.
  • A student who has received another Honors Program grant (e.g., UHP, Stewart, FHMP) is eligible to apply. The justification of need, types of budgeted expenses, and availability of funds will all factor into award decisions.
  • Students may pair this award with other undergraduate travel awards available through academic units, administrative offices, and research teams so long as the combined requests do not exceed the projected expenses


Acceptable funding requests

  • Conference registration or abstract fees for a meeting at which the research is being presented.
  • Travel (airfare and ground transportation), lodging, parking, and meal expenses incurred for the business portion of the trip. Days tacked on to a trip for vacation or sight-seeing will not be covered. Reimbursement for travel expenses will be in accordance with university travel policies, which should be reviewed in advance.
  • Postage or shipping expenses.
  • Printing, copying, and photographic services. 
    • Note: Printing and copying must be done by an ISU Printing and Copy Center unless alternative arrangements are approved in advanced by Honors.

Non-reimbursable travel expenses to note

  • Alcohol
  • Ticket rescheduling fees for personal reasons rather than business reasons
  • Movies or non-food items purchased through the hotel for personal use or entertainment
  • Flight or baggage insurance; trip insurance, depending on what is covered, may be reimburseable

  • Applications and deadlines for grants and scholarships
  • Applications require the project/research adviser or student organization adviser to review and acknowledge support for the funding request.
  • Submitted applications are automatically routed through Qualtrics to the designated adviser for review and confirmation and then to the Honors office. Students do not need to submit a hard copy.
  • Students will be contacted if there are unanswered questions, additional information needed, or revisions requested. Revised applications must be re-submitted through Qualtrics and receive a new approval from the adviser.
  • Students who have a compressed timeline and require a prompt review of and decision on the funding should contact the Honors Program director to highlight deadlines or make special requests.
  • Students are discouraged from purchasing airline tickets prior to a decision on funding in order to avoid unallowable reimbursements or arrangements that are not in compliance with university travel guidelines.

  • The maximum award is $300. In some cases the committee will award partial funding for designated items in the budget request.
  • Applicants, along with the student's Honors advisor and research or student organization supervisor, are notified of the committee's decision via e-mail.
  • Grant recipients are required to sign and return a contract of acceptance for the award.

Upon acceptance of the Student Enrichment Grant the student agrees to:

  • Submit any presentation-related documentation (e.g., a PDF of presentation slides) to the Honors Program Office by the end of the semester in which the travel occurred.
  • Submit a short summary of the experience, including a statement of how he/she benefitted from attending the conference that can be shared with Honors Program alumni donors and friends.
  • Include the following acknowledgement on any report or presentation: The presentation of this research was funded in part by a Student Enrichment Grant made available through the Iowa State University Foundation in conjunction with the University Honors Program.
  • Adhere to the ISU policy regarding printing and copy services.
  • Adhere to university travel policies.
  • Submit any expenses for reimbursement by the Monday of Prep Week for the semester in which the project is presented. 

Payment for all grant-funded expenses should be discussed and coordinated with the University Honors Program office

  • Students who receive funding for the same conference travel event from another unit or administrative office should report that to the Honors Program administrative staff. Honors will coordinate with the other offices/programs as needed to issue a single reimbursement.
  • Changes of $50 or more in the funding categories listed in the budget or changes to arrangements outlined in the budget, should be approved by the Honors Program Director.
  • When possible, travel arrangements should be discussed with and approved in advance by an Honors program administrative staff member to ensure university travel policies are met.
  • Students are discouraged from purchasing airline tickets prior to a decision on funding in order to avoid unallowable reimbursements or arrangements that are not in compliance with university travel guidelines.
    • Students are encouraged to work with the Honors Program staff to purchase airline tickets through the university when possible.
    • If travel is purchased on a personal credit card, reimbursement can take place only after the travel occurs.
    • Itemized receipts are always required for the reimbursement of hotel/lodging expenses. Receipts are occasionally required for other expenses, especially when they exceed $75 or a set per diem amount. A summary of allowable travel expenses and whether or not a receipt is required is available here.

Dr. Robert M. Melampy Grant

A grant of up to $500 is available to students in Animal Science to help cover project expenses related to the research they are doing within their field of study. Preference will be given to students participating in the First-Year Honors Mentor Program, and will be awarded each year for a Spring or Summer term.



  • Available to students in animal science to help cover research project expenses. Preference given to students participating in the First-Year Honors Mentor Program.


Chi-Wai Ho Principles of Community Awards

Grants are available to help fund research or activities that promote understanding and mutual respect among people of different races, backgrounds, and experiences. Projects that have tangible or measurable results and have the potential for a recurring impact will be prioritized.

Projects should advance one or more of the ISU Principles of Community and focus on creating a welcoming environment for all individuals working and learning at Iowa State, including international students.



 The applicant must be a member of the Honors Program.

  • Funding may be use to support research, creative expression, or activities undertaken as part of an Honors project OR used to support expenses incurred as part of a separate, unrelated project (e.g., a project accepted for presentation at ISCORE).
  • An Honors project for which funding is sought must have already been approved or submitted for approval.
  • Applications must include an attached letter of support from the applicant’s project advisor.
  • Projects that are underway and have future expenses are eligible for funding. Projects that are substantially completed are not eligible. Students may not request reimbursement for prior expenses.
  • A student who has received another Honors Program grant (e.g., UHP, Stewart, FHMP) is eligible to apply. The justification of need, types of budgeted expenses, and availability of funds will all factor into award decisions.
  • Projects that have tangible or measurable results and have the potential for a recurring impact will be prioritized.

Acceptable funding requests

  • Materials and supplies that are used as part of the research or creative process.
  • Interlibrary loan charges and reproduction of library research material.
  • Fees for professional services or external support required to implement the project.
  • Fees for the rental of space or equipment required to implement the project.
  • Travel expenses - Travel expenses must be justified and have a clear relationship to the goals of the project, such as a related training or workshop. Reimbursement will be in accordance with university travel policies.
  • Printing, copying, and photographic services. Note: Printing and copying must be done by an ISU Printing and Copy Center unless alternative arrangements are approved in advance.

Things these awards do not fund

  • A student's time

  • Students should work closely with their project advisor or mentor to plan the project, develop an itemized budget, and assess funding needs.
  • Applications and deadlines for grants and scholarships.
  • Submitted applications are automatically routed through Qualtrics to the project advisor for approval and then to the Honors office.Students do not need to submit a hard copy.
  • Applications must include an attached letter of support from the applicant’s project advisor.
  • Students will be contacted if there are unanswered questions, additional information needed, or revisions requested. Revised applications must be re-submitted through Qualtrics and receive a new approval from the project advisor.

 Additional Considerations

  • HUMAN SUBJECT STATEMENT: Students doing projects involving human subjects must obtain the approval of the ISU Institutional Review Board prior to initiation of the project. This committee evaluates for compliance with university guidelines any research involving humans as subjects, including projects that use questionnaires or otherwise gather data from subjects. Human subjects forms and submission instructions are available on the Research Ethics website. Note that you must allow at least 4-6 weeks for IRB determination of approval following submission of the required form for committee review.
  • COPYRIGHTED MATERIALS: Students using copyrighted materials are expected to comply with copyright law.

  • The student applicant and project advisor will be notified of the committee's decision via email.
  • Grant recipients are required to sign and return a contract of acceptance for the award. 

Upon acceptance of the Chi-Wai Ho Principles of Community Award the student agrees to:

  • Include the following acknowledgement on any report or presentation related to the project: This research was funded in part or whole by a Chi-Wai Ho Principles of Community Award made available through the Iowa State University Foundation in conjunction with the University Honors Program.
  • Complete the research and submit or present the results no later than Prep Week of the semester of graduation. Failure to do so may result in the termination of the research award with the student reimbursing the research award fund for any expenses incurred.
  • Present the final results. The forum for presenting the results may vary: University Honors Poster Session for honors projects; ISCORE for NCORE/ISCORE projects; another audience or format deemed appropriate by the student and project advisor, and approved by the Honors Program administrative director.
  • Submit to the University Honors Program office an electronic copy and 2 printouts of the final project report: 1 for the Honors Program, 1 for the University Archives. This could be a research paper or a summary and analysis/review of the project.
  • Adhere to the ISU policy regarding printing and copy services.
  • Provide the University Honors Program with up to 4 hours of volunteer time to help with special activities (e.g., Symposium on Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression, Honors Poster events, thank-you notes for donors, First-Year Honors Program Retreat, etc.).
  • Submit any expenses for reimbursement by the Monday of Prep Week for the semester in which the project is presented.

Payment for all grant-funded expenses should be discussed and coordinated with the University Honors Program office.

  • Purchases billed to the award should be made through an Honors Program administrative staff member, the project supervisor, or a university procurement specialist in accordance with university policy.
  • Purchases made by the student (for which reimbursement will be sought) must be approved in advance by the Honors Program administrative staff.
  • Travel arrangements, including the purchase of airline or bus tickets, should be discussed and approved in advance with an Honors program administrative staff member to ensure university travel policies are met.
  • Changes of $50 or more in the funding categories listed in the budget or changes to or substitutions for specific items outlined in the budget, should be approved by the Honors Program Director.

Funding for National Conference for Undergraduate Research

National Conference for Undergraduate Research (NCUR) support for Honors students is for lodging assistance only.

Students are encouraged to seek support for registration fees through their research project advisor or the Undergraduate Student Conference Travel Fund.

What's Covered

  • Honors support will be for 3 nights of lodging at a conference hotel. This is shared lodging with at least 2 students per room.
  • Rooms are reserved and billed directly to the university so students do not have to pay on a personal credit card and be reimbursed. 
  • All lodging arrangements funded through Honors will be coordinated through Dr. Zbarska. 

Eligibility: Applicants must be a member of the Honors Program and have been accepted to present at NCUR 2023. If you are a student in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, you are encouraged to apply for conference support through the college. See below.

Process: Submit an online application (

Deadline: Wednesday, March 22 (Extended from March 2)

Contact: Svitlana Zbarska (she/her), Undergraduate Research,

Faculty Grant or Research Group

Students are encouraged to discuss the availability of conference funding with their faculty project advisor. Often times faculty will be able to assist with expenses.

Undergraduate Conference Travel Fund

Eligibility: Arrangements have been made with the Division of Student Affairs to provide registration assistance for NCUR presenters, regardless of college or discipline. Students attending NCUR should not request additional support (for travel, lodging, or per diems) through this fund unless they are affiliated with the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (see additional funding sources below).

This funding is for registration only. Students who have already registered will be asked to supply a receipt for reimbursement. Students who have not yet registered can coordinate with Student Affairs staff to do so with no out-of-pocket expense.

Process: Submit an online application

Deadline: At least 2 weeks prior to the conference

Contact: Jill Leonard

Eligibility: NCUR participants who are students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences may request travel and lodging support through the college. 

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences runs their funding requests through the Division of Student Affairs Undergraduate Conference Travel Fund. If you are a student in LAS, you may request registration, lodging, and travel support on the same application.

Process: Submit an online application

Deadline: At least 2 weeks prior to the conference

Contact: Brittany Vander Zwaag,