Program Guidelines

  • Maintain an ISU GPA of 3.50 or above.
  • Attend your College’s Honors Orientation Meeting.
  • Complete your College Honors Requirements including honors courses, seminars, Program of Study, and your Honors Project.
  • Share your Honors Project at the Honors Poster Presentation.
  • Submit your Poster Registration and Project Abstract Acknowledgement and Post Graduation Information Form prior to graduation.
  • See Deadlines and Forms.

College requirements

  • You should plan to take at least two honors courses and two honors seminars during your time at ISU. 
  • You may apply to your college’s Honors Program if you have at least 48 credits remaining before graduation. On a standard four-year program, this generally means that applications must be submitted no later than the fall of your junior year.
  • You need to submit a Program of Study to the chair of your college’s Honors Committee (see resource list below), typically at the end of sophomore/beginning of junior year.
  • You need to complete an Honors Project; project forms are typically due at the beginning of your senior year (two semesters before graduation). Most colleges require students register for a minimum number of research credits.

Program Timeline

Fall semester:

Spring semester:

Completing the Degree Program Assignment for your First-Year HON 1210 seminar does not complete the application process for admission to your College Honors Program.

You must submit a Letter of Intent.

Fall semester:

  • Attend your College Honors Program orientation/information session

Spring semester:

  • Attend your College Honors Program orientation/information session if you have not already done so
  • Meet with your College's Honors advisor and submit your Program of Study
  • Begin brainstorming your Honors Project & identify a faculty mentor
  • Prepare to apply for nationally competitive awards (fellowships/scholarships)

Fall semester:

  • Meet with faculty/your advisor to submit your Project Proposal (recommended)

Spring semester:

  • Last chance to submit Honors Project Proposal and complete the project
  • Present your project: Poster Presentation, Research Symposium, Research in the Capitol, National Conferences
  • Apply for nationally competitive awards (fellowships/scholarships) & graduate school/jobs
  • Finish remaining Honors requirements and GRADUATE with HONORS!

Letter of Intent

Completing the Degree Program Assignment for your First-Year HON 121 seminar does not complete the application process for admission to your College Honors Program.

Choose Your Own Path

Video Poster
Learn about opportunities that help you achieve your goals at Iowa State.