The University Honors Program staff can direct you to instructors who led successful Honors Seminars and are willing to discuss seminar techniques. Please direct questions and comments to Laurie Smith Law (, 515-294-4371).

Honors students must complete a given number of seminars as part of their program of study. Factors such as when a seminar is offered can influence enrollment, but generally, students sign up because they are interested. Seminars are typically rated highly by honors students because they give students a high degree of responsibility for their learning. The small-group setting (the enrollment limit is 17) and opportunities for discussion lead to some of the best students and educators at Iowa State University actively engaging in novel, stimulating, and meaningful intellectual exchanges.

Seminars are as varied as the interests and knowledge of those teaching them. Seminars can be thematic, topical, or creative; they can be as practical as financial literacy and as playful as Harry Potter. Some seminars can be geared toward specific audiences, for example, science-related seminars for students who are not science majors or computer science students who want to learn about cutting-edge developments in the field. Each term, the program seeks a balance of seminars on science, social science, humanities, and personal development.

The atmosphere is generally informal. Students may need help getting acquainted at the beginning of the semester. Although they are all in the University Honors Program, students may come from all years and all colleges and may not know one another. Many instructors use name cards to help everyone remember names at once- or twice-weekly meetings. This technique helps students feel comfortable about participating.

Honors students prefer guided discussion over a lecture format. Even so, many will have had little experience in discussion-based classes and need encouragement to participate. As the instructor, invite participation by asking questions with multiple answers (e.g., What impressed you most about the reading?). Some students may need you to draw them into discussion, while others may need to be moderated occasionally. However, students themselves often do an effective job of regulating those who monopolize discussion. When lectures or mini-lectures are used, especially by outside experts, remember to allow time for questions, discussion, and informal conversation between students and guests.

For one credit, students generally expect to read several articles, or perhaps a book, and to make 1-2 class presentations, or one presentation and several short reflective papers. Two credits imply more outside work. Several brief, informal responses are preferable to a single formal paper, and brief presentations by an individual or group are more effective for learning than a written paper that is simply turned in.

Have a takeoff point for each meeting's discussion: a common reading, a brief report by a student, or a mini-lecture from you or a guest. Take a few minutes to summarize the discussion at the end of each meeting. While the honors program conducts student evaluations at the end of the semester, you may find it helpful to do informal, formative evaluations as well.

Informal settings, such as rooms with movable chairs and tables or departmental seminar rooms are optimal. The Jischke Honors Building holds three classrooms which are often available in the evenings and during spring semester. All classrooms have multimedia available.

There are many possible formats. While most seminars meet for a one-to-two-hour block each week, some are offered on a more intensive basis for shorter periods (e.g., a half-semester). You may also propose other variations, such as the use of reading periods during which the group does not meet.

Since seminars typically meet once a week, missing a class seriously affects the student's understanding of the seminar topic. Most seminars limit absences to one or two per semester. If a student is missing, please inform the honors office, as it may be possible to add someone from a waiting list.

The University Honors Program has limited copying funds for seminars. If possible, please use Canvas or other methods to distribute material electronically. However, if you need to duplicate materials physically, contact the honors office for help.