Seminar registration for the spring semester will open on Wednesday, November 15, 2023 at noon. Please contact Honors staff at with inquiries.

The descriptions below indicate whether a seminar counts toward the International Perspective or US Diversity requirements.

Reference numbers for registration can be found below a few days before registration opens. You will need to copy/paste the reference number to enroll through AccessPlus. Should you try to enroll in a course that is full, you will be placed on a waitlist. If openings become available after a seminar is full, Honors staff will contact those on the waitlist.

Make sure you plan ahead and take at least two Honors courses and two Honors seminars or the number required by your college Honors committee. Don't wait until your last year to meet the requirements because you may find that you will have some scheduling conflicts. You cannot enroll in more than 2 seminars in a single semester.

Important: Attendance at Honors seminars is expected. Be sure to read the entire seminar description and requirements. Be courteous and notify your instructor in advance if you are unable to attend class.

Check back regularly for updates!


  • HON 322A: “How to Think Like a Doctor”: Developing Critical decision-making skills in Medicine, Science, and Life (Full)
  • HON 322B: Art and Science of PEACE (CANCELED)
  • HON 322C: How Biochar Will Change the World
  • HON 322D: Contemporary Economic, Business, and Legal Issues Affecting the U.S. and Global Food Supply Chains (CANCELED)
  • HON 322E: What is a University? A Behind the Scenes Look at Iowa State University (and Other Universities Like Us)
  • HON 322F: Monsters at the Movies: What Films About Unimaginable Others Reveal About Ourselves (Full)
  • HON 322G: Anime and Human/Animal Hybrids
  • HON 322H: Are Supply Chains “Green” or are They “Greenwashing”?
  • HON 322J: Gods, Goddesses and the Human Struggle in Popular Music
  • HON 322K: Game Writing and Design (Full)
  • HON 322L: Not Broadway: Exploring Musicals Off the Beaten Path (Full)
  • HON 322M: AI for All: From Data Collection to Real-World Applications
  • HON 322N: Pirates: Open-Minded Trailblazers or Deadly Opportunists? (Full)
  • HON 322P: Comedy College
  • HON 322Q: Competitive Scholarship & Personal Statement Writing (Full)
  • HON 322R: Economic Insights on the US Health Care System
  • HON 322T: Ethical Eating
  • HON 322U: Psychology in the Movies UPDATED TIME
  • HON 322V: Climate Migration - A Global Challenge in Your Lifetime
  • HON 322W: Christianity and Science
  • HON 322Y: Taking Care of your Mind, Body, and Soul (Full)
  • HON 322Z: Reading the IPCC: A Student’s Guide to the Science of Climate Change (CANCELED)
  • HON 324A: Conflicts in the Middle East
  • HON 324B: Creative Writing Worldbuilding: Fantastic Places and How to Make Them (Full)
  • HON 324C: Lessons on How to Enhance Your Success
  • HON 324D: Money Management


HON 322A, “How to Think Like a Doctor”: Developing Critical decision-making skills in Medicine, Science, and Life, T 2:10-3:00, Jischke 1151, 1 Credit, Full Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17 (REFERENCE NUMBER 4651005)

About the Course: In this course we will explore cognitive aspects of decision-making and the process of making important /critical decisions.  We will utilize and adapt medical decision-making paradigms to formulate assessments of various scenarios where decision-making outcomes have significant consequences. This course will utilize the framework of the book “How to think about Weird Things: Critical Thinking for a New Age – 9th Edition” as the backdrop for an evaluative assessment of “evidence”, “truth”, “fact”, “science”, and how we use these concepts in our daily lives.  You will explore aspects of the functioning nervous system, critical/strategic thinking, decision-making, “experience”, cognitive processing, metacognition, and interrelated aspects of human and animal “thinking”. 

Quote from Amazon regarding the text – “How to Think about Weird Things, is a concise and engaging text that offers students a step-by-step process by which to determine when a claim is likely to be true. Schick and Vaughn provide a course on critical thinking- emphasizing neither debunking nor advocating specific claims, but rather explaining principles of good reasoning that enable students to evaluate any claim

About the Instructor: Dr. Bagley is past Chair of the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences at Iowa State University, College of Veterinary Medicine. He is a currently a Professor of Rehabilitative and Clinical Neurology and coordinates and teaches in the professional courses on Veterinary Careers (VM 1 students), and Communication (VM 3 students), and clinical neurology (VM 3 and VM 4 students).  He is the current Director of the AAVMC Leadership Academy.  In addition, Dr. Bagley is a certified trainer in Crucial Conversations™, Everything DiSC®, Mediation training by the Iowa Mediation Service, and TOP® facilitation methods. Dr. Bagley has provided numerous workshops on leadership and personal development topics including “Communication Strategies”, Dealing with “Conflict”, Strategic Thinking and Planning”, and “Visioning”, as well as one-on-one professional coaching.

Additionally, Dr. Bagley has provided national seminars on “Cognitive Errors in Medicine” as well as in graduate curriculum in the Biomedical Sciences Departmental Master program.  He has previously taught a graduate level course entitled “Delusional Medicine” based on similar critical medical decision-making in clinical settings.


HON 322B, Art and Science of PEACE, F 11:00-12:50, Jishcke 1113, 2 Credits, Full Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17, International Perspectives (REFERENCE NUMBER 4652005) (CANCELED)

About the Course: Join us to explore the art and science of peace for a lively discussion based on interaction with a variety of medium including film, photography, podcasts, poetry, classic literature, advertisements, and music. Engage in what it means to be a peace-builder grounded in cultural appreciation and respect for human dignity. A group of ISU Sustainable Peace Faculty Learning Community members will introduce topics of peace, including: 1) human rights, 2) development and social impact, 3) environmental awareness, and 4) conflict transformation. Peace is often defined as the absence of war and conflict. In this course, we will focus on what it means to create a life grounded in peace and a community member striving for peace rather than the avoidance of conflict. We will engage in conversations to inspire critical optimism, compassion, collaboration and a sense of community.

About the Instructor: J. Arbuckle is Professor of rural sociology in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. His research and education efforts focus on improving the environmental and social sustainability of agriculture. E.J. Bahng is a CHS Equity Advisor and an Associate Professor of science education in the School of Education. She teaches a science methods course and Nature of Science for future science teachers; Erin Bergquist is a clinical Associate Professor of Food Science and Human Nutrition; Mark Bryden is the founding director of the Simulation, Modeling and Decision Science program at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory and is a professor of mechanical engineering; Christina Campbell is an Associate Professor of Nutrition and the Uelner Professor of Food Science and Human Nutrition. She studies the intersection of food and peace in the context of promoting healthy lives and sustainable food systems; Simon Cordery is Professor in and chair of the Department of History. His teaching covers the modern world, with an emphasis on transatlantic social history; Rameshwar Kanwar is the Charles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor of Water Resources Engineering in the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering; Frank Montabon is a Professor of supply chain management. His current research projects involve the effect of proactive environmental efforts on innovation, social compliance of suppliers, and power in supply chain relationships; Kurt A Rosentrater is an Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. He teaches and conducts research in the areas of food systems, food processing, cost assessment, and environmental impact assessment; Kristin Yvonne Rozier Kristin Yvonne Rozier heads the Laboratory for Temporal Logic in Aerospace Engineering at Iowa State University; previously she spent 14 years as a Research Scientist at NASA; and, Andrea Wheeler is an Associate Professor of Architecture. She teaches classes on Green and Sustainable Design.


HON 322C, How Biochar Will Change the World, MW 1:10-2:00, Howe 1220, 1 Credit, First Half Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17 (REFERENCE NUMBER 4653005)

About the Course: Biochar is a carbon-rich material that has the potential to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time, from climate change to food security. We use biochar in everything from toothpaste to fertilizer. In this seminar, you will learn about the history, science, and technology of biochar. You will also learn about the economic potential and environmental benefits of biochar applications. We will explore the latest research on biochar and how it is being used in a variety of applications, including agriculture, water treatment and animal waste management. You will also learn from leading experts in the field. At the end of the course you will create your own 2-3 minutes biochar project presentation for final evaluation.

By the end of this seminar, you will be:

  • Able to explain the potential benefits of biochar in a variety of applications
  • Empowered to make a difference in the world through the use of biochar

This seminar is for you if you are:

  • Interested in sustainable agriculture, biorenewables, climate change, or environmental science
  • Excited to learn about cutting-edge technologies

Join us and learn how biochar can help us build a better future!

About the Instructor: Dr. Chumki Banik graduated from University of Florida, then she joined Iowa State University as post-doctorate and now she is a research scientist. She has been working with biochar over 10 years at Iowa State University. She focuses on recycling agricultural waste, produce renewable energy through biochar production, and use the biochar for environmental problem remediation. Her works are governed by the term ‘sustainability’ a much required ‘approach’ to dealing with current climatic and agricultural affairs. She is also learning about pedagogy and course design and preparing to become a faculty member through the Preparing for Future Faculty (PFF) training program of Iowa State University. 


HON 322D, Contemporary Economic, Business, and Legal Issues Affecting the U.S. and Global Food Supply Chains, M 3:20-5:10, Jischke 1151, 1 Credit, Second Half Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17, International Perspectives (REFERENCE NUMBER 4654005) (CANCELED)

About the Course: This seminar is designed for you to understand and be able to analyze contemporary economic, business, and legal issues affecting the U.S. and global food supply chains. The issues that we will analyze include (but not limited to): (a) market power of large agribusinesses (ag input suppliers, food processors, and food retailers) and its effects on agricultural producers and final consumers; (b) agricultural production and marketing contracts used by agricultural producers and food processors that affect food product quality and prices; (c) food quality and food safety; and (d) constantly changing consumer preferences and their effects on production decisions made by agricultural producers and food processors. The seminar activities include traditional lectures and extensive use of case studies explaining these issues. You will work in groups to prepare presentations highlighting the issues discussed in the case studies. By the end of the semester, you will complete a group project focusing on one of the issues analyzed in this seminar.

About the Instructor: Yuliya Bolotova is Assistant Teaching Professor in the Department of Economics. She received her Ph.D. degree in agricultural economics from Purdue University and LL.M. degree from the University of Chicago Law School. Dr. Bolotova currently teaches ECON 230 Farm Business Management and ECON 235 Introduction to Agricultural Markets to large groups of undergraduate students from various degree programs within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and other Colleges. Dr. Bolotova has extensive research experience focusing on economic, business, and legal issues affecting the modern food supply chain.


HON 322E, What is a University? A Behind the Scenes Look at Iowa State University (and Other Universities Like Us), W 9:55-10:45, Jischke 1151, 1 Credit, Full Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17 (REFERENCE NUMBER 4655005)

About the Course: Public universities, like Iowa State University, serve the state in which they are located in multiple ways. Although many people within the state have been students at one of our public institutions, few people have a comprehensive view of how universities function. This seminar will explore how universities work and the reciprocal relationships between universities and the public. The course will include real-life, contemporary case studies and guest speakers throughout the semester to allow students to delve deeper into the inner workings of higher education institutions.

About the Instructor:

Michael Brown is an Associate Professor in Higher Education and Student Affairs in the School of Education at Iowa State University. His research focuses on students and instructors experiences with learning technologies in undergraduate higher education. This includes how digital social media shapes students’ access to and pathways within higher education, how students form social and academic communities through web-enabled technologies, and how instructors use learning technology innovations in their classroom.

Robert D. Reason is Professor of Higher Education and Student Affairs in the School of Education at Iowa State University. He currently serves as the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs in the College of Human Science. He studies how college and university policies, the campus climate, and students’ experiences in college interact to influence student outcomes. Much of his research has focused on student learning outcomes during the first year of college as well as retention to graduation.


HON 322F, Monsters at the Movies: What Films About Unimaginable Others Reveal About Ourselves, T 5:30-7:20, Jischke 1151, 2 Credits, Full Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17 (REFERENCE NUMBER 4661005)

About the Course: When filmmakers craft the monsters who stalk cinema screens, they give voice to the anxieties of their time. The classic Japanese film Godzilla (1954) expressed the traumas of the atomic bomb, while the dinosaur epic Jurassic Park (1993) captured anxieties about human meddling with nature. The Korean monster masterpiece The Host (2006) explored the environmental consequences of American militarization, while The Cabin in the Woods (2008) offered a meta-commentary on monster tropes in fiction. More recently, Let the Right One In (2008), The Shape of Water (2017), and Nope (2022) ask us to see humanity and dignity in other-than-human beings, who represent the marginalized in society, in contrast with the zombie classic Night of the Living Dead (1968) and the Antarctic alien film The Thing (1982), which each ask us to see the monsters in ourselves. In this seminar, we will watch these and other films, such as King Kong (1933), Jaws (1975), Alien (1979), Pan’s Labyrinth (2007), and 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016), to better understand the ways filmmakers have understood themselves by creating monsters that mirrored their deepest self-doubts, environmental anxieties, and social fears.

About the Instructor: Zachary Calhoun is a Lecturer in the English Department and he taught the recent Honors seminar about environmental justice cinema. He holds a PhD in Philosophy from Tulane University, as well as an MFA in Creative Writing and Environment from Iowa State University. He has taught courses in film history, existentialism, fiction writing, creative nonfiction writing, public speaking, and the history of philosophy. He worked in a professional hydrogeology laboratory, he served as the Assistant Director of an environmental nonprofit in New Mexico, and he has published research articles on environmental ethics and the history of philosophy, as well as short stories and poems in literary journals. Originally from New Mexico, his fiction is set in the American Southwest, and he is working on a book project about environmental cinema, film representations of nuclear monsters, and post-apocalyptic wastelands.


HON 322G, Anime and Human/Animal Hybrids, T 12:40-1:30, Ross 0026, 1 Credit, Full Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17 (REFERENCE NUMBER 4664005)

About the Course: Do you love anime? This class is for you! Through a philosophical lens, we will investigate themes of identity and alienation by examining human-animal hybrids in prominent anime such as One Piece, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Tokyo Ghoul, Hunter x Hunter, and Studio Ghibli films. What defines our human nature? How do our responsibilities extend to other sentient beings? Can we make ethical choices even in our most basic actions, like eating? In this seminar, you will get to watch and discuss anime, have fun student-led discussions, and even try your hand at creating your own human-animal themed comic or short story. The goal of this class is to unravel compelling inquiries about what it means to be human, animal, or monstrous within literary settings that blur the lines between these categories. No prior knowledge of anime is required—just a curious mind!

About the Instructor: Christal Campa is a third year MFA Creative Writing and Environment graduate student. Her research interests include ecological grief, the genre of cli-fi, anime, and activism. She holds a bachelors degree English and Sociology. Fascinated by the way writing can separate people from the natural world around them or inspire and connect them to it, she explores topics related to philosophy and eco-fiction. 


HON 322H, Are Supply Chains “Green” or are They “Greenwashing”?, M 9:55-11:45, Curtiss 0308, 2 Credits, Full Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17 (REFERENCE NUMBER 4668005)

About the Course: The purpose of this course is to explore the concept of corporate “greenwashing” activities across the supply chain.   Greenwashing is defined as a situation where a company falsely promotes that it is making investments into pro-environmental activities such as reducing harmful environmental emissions, pursuing renewable energy resources, and/or using recyclable materials in the production process.  Since supply chain concepts are probably new to many honors students, we will begin by developing a basic understanding of supply chain management.  Then, we will learn about principles of “green” supply chain management using case studies and guest speakers. A specific emphasis will be given to how supply chain activities can impact a company’s carbon footprint.  The instructor encourages an open and lively debate of these issues among students representing all majors across campus.  No prior knowledge of supply chain management is required.

About the Instructor: David E. Cantor is Professor and Ruan Chair in Supply Chain Management, Debbie & Jerry Ivy College of Business, Iowa State University.  His expertise is in corporate social responsibility issues in supply chain management including environmental management and safety practices.  Dr. Cantor has examined the impact of various public policy programs in the supply chain such as use of electronic logbooks, the US EPA SmartWay program, and the US Department of Transportation’s New Entrant Safety Assurance Program. His research in these areas has been published in premier transportation and logistics journals such as Journal of Business Logistics, Transportation Journal, and Journal of Operations Management.  Several of his publications have received national recognition.  Dr. Cantor also serves on several prominent editorial boards including previously as co-editor-in-chief of the Journal of Supply Chain Management.


HON 322J, Gods, Goddesses and the Human Struggle in Popular Music, R 12:40-1:30, Jischke 1151, 1 Credit, Full Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17, International Perspectives (REFERENCE NUMBER 4678005)

About the Course: Despite repeated claims that religion is fading in the modern world, talk of Gods and Goddesses is all over popular music, in the U.S. and globally. This seminar will explore the ways that Divine power, religious symbols and human struggles, both ancient and modern speak in modern popular music. We'll look at well-known and not so well-known examples of spirituality in rock, country, heavy metal, hip-hop, reggae and other kinds of contemporary global music. Along the way you'll learn just a little bit about who the Gods are in various Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Rastafarian, Pagan and Vodou traditions, and how people connect their own struggles to them. Students will also get to *vote* on songs to listen to and discuss in class, as well as volunteer *new songs* and a *custom topic* they want to cover toward the end of the seminar. Students will be expected to  listen and study songs and music both in class and out of class, read short weekly Canvas reading assignments, and write a few short reaction papers (1-2 pages) based on songs and class discussion.

About the Instructor: Christopher W. Chase is Associate Teaching Professor in Philosophy and Religious Studies. He has published research on the role of Islam in jazz, folk music in Pagan traditions, and the role of counterculture spirituality in American religion. In addition, students regularly examine music in his classes on Religion in America, Africana Religions and Goddess Religions courses. He earned his Ph.D from Michigan State University and has been teaching courses in Religion in both Global and American cultures at Iowa State since 2008.


HON 322K, Game Writing and Design, M 2:15-3:05, Carver 0298, 1 Credit, Full Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17 (REFERENCE NUMBER 4679005)

About the Course: Do you enjoy playing table-top role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons, Star Trek Adventures, or Blades in the Dark, OR do you just like playing games with friends? Do you want to learn how to write compelling game narrative and design exciting game scenarios? In this class we will dive into the fun world of table-top game writing and game design, led by a professional game writer. We will learn strategies for building bold worlds, crafting engaging stories and scenarios, and enabling player agency. You will get a chance to play and analyze several table-top role-playing games, interact with industry professionals, and write or design your own game! This class is appropriate for all skill levels—whether you’ve never played a role-playing game before or you are an experienced gamemaster, you will be guided through advancing your skills and knowledge. Come join us!

About the Instructor: Kelli Fitzpatrick is a third-year graduate student in Creative Writing and Environment minoring in Philosophy. She has worked as a writer and editor for the Star Trek Adventures RPG from Modiphius Entertainment, including as a lead writer for the Shackleton Expanse Campaign Guide. She has also written for Archvillain Games and is currently one of the Creative Leads developing the Xenovita RPG for Budgie Smuggler Games. Her fiction has been published by Simon and Schuster, Baen Books, and others, and she recently wrote science articles for the NASA Hubble Space Telescope outreach team. She has presented panels on gamewriting, taught classes on worldbuilding, and gamemastered at gaming conventions, including WorldCon. She currently teaches English at ISU and writes science fiction, tie-in fiction, and game content.


HON 322L, Not Broadway: Exploring Musicals Off the Beaten Path, R 5:00-5:50, Jischke 1151, 1 Credit, Full Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17 (REFERENCE NUMBER 4680005)

About the Course: For the past two years I have led seminars on the joys and trials of Broadway musicals, but no longer. This spring we’ll venture into the unknown and explore the farthest reaches of the genre. From off-Broadway cult classics like Ride the Cyclone, Heathers, and Alice by Heart, to the scrappy works of Starkid Productions. From the crowdsourced, TikTok-made Ratatouille the Musical, to the endlessly impressive world of musical improv. We’ll examine all the Not Broadway world has to offer and, once we’ve done that, we’ll devise a Not Broadway musical of our very own. No need for lavish sets, rich producers, or enormous stages. Once you strip those things away, all you’re left with is a group of artists with dreams and guts. And trust me, those artists have produced some extraordinary work. No experience necessary, just bring your love of musicals and your sense of adventure.

About the Instructor: Emily Golden completed her MFA in the Creative Writing and Environment program back in 2022, and is now a lecturer for the English department. She has a BA in Theatre and English from Willamette University and is also a working playwright and dramaturge. She has had plays produced all over the country and for the past several years has worked writing movies for Lifetime. She considers musical theatre to be one of her greatest pleasures in life and is overjoyed to share that with the ISU honors students.


HON 322M, AI for All: From Data Collection to Real-World Applications, F 9:55-11:45, Curtiss 0308, 1 Credit, Second Half Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17 (REFERENCE NUMBER 4681005)

About the Course:

Today, our lives are intertwined with Artificial Intelligence (AI). But have you ever wondered how we train a machine to understand context (Machine Learning)? Or, in daily life, how does your email service decide which messages are spam? This course will introduce you to the world of AI/Machine Learning and Business Analytics to discover these mysteries. Data is essential for machines to learn. You will understand data structure and gain hands-on experience in data collection from popular websites such as TripAdvisor using web scraping techniques. Additionally, you will learn and apply machine learning algorithms for tasks such as spam email detection and sentiment analysis from online consumer reviews. By the end of the course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of AI and its application in various fields.

Ever heard of ChatGPT? We will also learn how to create compelling prompts and harness its API to revolutionize business tasks. No prior programming experience? No problem. While our practices employ Python, you will be provided in-depth guidance to ensure a smooth journey for everyone.

About the Instructor: Chunsheng (Jerry) Jin is a third-year Ph.D. student specializing in Hospitality Management with a Computer Science minor focusing on Strategic Management and Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML). Jerry served as a teaching assistant for a business analytics course over three semesters. He holds dual research assistant positions, one at the Data Analytic Lab within the Department of Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management and the other at the Research Institute for Studies in Education with a focus on Data Analysis. His enthusiasm for AI/ML has encouraged him to achieve numerous certificates in this domain. Currently, he is conducting two research projects, crowdfunding and fake review detection, in the Hospitality industry employing Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques.


HON 322N, Pirates: Open-Minded Trailblazers or Deadly Opportunists?, W 3:20-5:10, Jischke 1151, 2 Credits, Full Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17, International Perspectives (REFERENCE NUMBER 4687005)

About the Course: Pirates have always been a law unto themselves. But along with fearsome (and earned!) reputations, pirates contributed to local economies; formed nascent democracies on their ships; and spurred advancements in exploration, warfare, and law. Let's explore the amazing history of pirates--from the Mediterranean Sea Peoples of the late Bronze Age to the Golden Age of Pirates in the early 1700s to modern piracy in all its forms. As we do, complete challenges worthy of Blackbeard himself to earn your pirate certificate!

About the Instructor: Amanda Knief is the director of Iowa State University's Lectures Program and the university's parliamentarian. She received her B.S. in Journalism and Communication from Iowa State and her J.D. from Drake University Law School. She worked as legislative counsel for the Iowa Legislature before working in Washington, D.C. as a nonprofit lobbyist, nonprofit legal director, and analyst for the Library of Congress' Congressional Research Service. Amanda is mildly obsessed with pirates and spends every Sept. 19 talking like a pirate.


HON 322P, Comedy College, M 6:00-7:50, SICTR 4202, 2 Credits, Full Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17 (REFERENCE NUMBER 5111005)

About the Course: In this seminar, you will learn to be funnier. Humor is not a mystical process of divine intervention granted by the Comedy Gods to just a chosen few. There are tricks, techniques and theories that, when studied, can make a person funnier. When put into practice, these skills can help with self-confidence, public speaking and communication skills. While some reading and watching of stand-up routines is required, the majority of the class focus will be on creating and sharing original humor with your classmates. The seminar culminates in a live comedy showcase where you will share your newfound humor skills with the world.

About the Guest Presenter: Gavin Jerome has been a professional entertainer for well over 20 years. He has worked with the likes of Jerry Seinfeld, Paul Reiser and Steve Harvey. For the past decade, Gavin has been providing humor workshops for companies and associations nationwide. His extensive standup comedy experience plus many years of leading workshops on humor in the workplace makes him most qualified on creating and sharing comedy. About the TA: Peter Orazem, University Professor Emeritus of Economics, has been a student of Gavin’s, and has served as the Teaching Assistant for all ISU Comedy College classes. He performed at the first American Economics Association standup comedy session in San Francisco.


 HON 322Q, Competitive Scholarship & Personal Statement Writing, T 9:30-10:20, Jischke 1151, 1 Credit, Full Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17 (REFERENCE NUMBER 5113005)

About the Course: TApplying for a nationally competitive fellowship, professional school opportunity, or graduate school admission takes meticulous planning and clear objectives. Applicants interested in these programs should begin early and familiarize themselves with the application process for each award. This course will help students prepare materials to a prestigious scholarship, professional school, or graduate program. We will work together over the course of the semester to help you identify specific opportunities and devise a plan to develop your application. Students will work collaboratively to research potential programs, develop their plans of action, and create an application package. By the end of the semester, each student will have all the necessary components of an application to the opportunity of their choice.

About the Instructor: Dr. John Milstead received a Ph.D. in Latin American and Caribbean History from Michigan State University. His research analyzes the intersection of race, citizenship, and gender in nineteenth century Mexico. To fund this work, he has applied to a number of nationally competitive awards. He is a Fulbrighter who has worked with many successful applicants in his role as the Coordinator of Nationally Competitive Awards. In his free time, he enjoys exploring regional cuisine and testing delicious recipes.


HON 322R, Economic Insights on the US Health Care System, R 2:10-3:00, Pearson 3149, 1 Credit, Full Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17 (REFERENCE NUMBER 5117005)

About the Course: Are you curious about why healthcare is so expensive and complex in the United States? Join us for an engaging and thought-provoking seminar that delves into the economic aspects of the US healthcare system. Healthcare is different than some of the other markets we learn in Econ 101. This seminar will unravel the intricacies of one of the most vital sectors in our society, providing you with valuable economic insights and a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities it presents. From rising healthcare costs and how the healthcare system operates to the impact of policy decisions, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of how economics shapes the healthcare landscape.

About the Instructor: Miyoung Oh is currently an associate teaching professor in the Department of Economics at ISU. Miyoung received her Ph.D. degree from Iowa State University in 2014 and joined the Economics faculty in 2016.  She has taught ECON 101 (Principles of Microeconomics), ECON 102 (Principles of Macroeconomics), ECON 301(Intermediate Microeconomics), and ECON 353 (Money, Banking, and Financial Institutions).  Her research interests span demand analysis and policy evaluation, and her work in research projects has been on estimating food demand associated with consumer behaviors, and cost-benefit analysis for food policy evaluation.  


HON 322T, Ethical Eating, W 12:05-1:55, Bessey 0255, 1 Credit, Second Half Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17 (REFERENCE NUMBER 2968005)

About the Course: “Ethical Eating” explores the ethical implications of the food choices we make. For example, if we choose to eat meat where does that meat come from, under what conditions were the animals raised and what are the environmental consequences of animal production? What are our ethical obligations with regard to the welfare of animals? What are our ethical obligations to the workers who process our food and to the environment? What are the concerns with industrial agriculture? Do farm subsidy programs create a food system that promotes consumer and environmental health? The objective of the course is to increase your awareness of the stories behind the foods that are available for us to eat. With knowledge of those stories you can begin to apply an ethical framework to the choices of what foods to eat.

The seminar will consist of readings for each week followed by a discussion, viewing of several videos, discussion with visiting speakers, and a presentation by each participant on the ethical issues associated with a particular common food item.

About the Instructor: I have taught this seminar for 15 years. It has been an enjoyable and thought-provoking experience for myself and the students. I teach general biology and environmental biology courses. I am an instructor for a learning community called "Save Planet Earth". I do research on monarch butterflies, including the consequences of GMO corn and soybeans on the monarch population.


HON 322U, Psychology in the Movies, R 12:40-2:30, Jischke 1113, 1 Credit, First Half Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17 (REFERENCE NUMBER 2977010)

About the Course: In this seminar, we will watch mainstream Hollywood films that portray characters with various mental health difficulties and discuss the accuracy and inaccuracy with which these conditions and situations are portrayed (e.g., substance abuse, depression/suicide).

About the Instructor: Dr. Loreto Prieto is a Morrill Psychology at Iowa State. He is an academic psychologist, a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, and his training and teaching focus on psychopathology and (neuro)psychological assessment. In another life he went to NYU film school and directed Oscar-winning movies. He (sometimes) enjoys seeing how psychology is represented in contemporary film.


HON 322VClimate Migration - A Global Challenge in Your Lifetime, F 2:15-4:05, Jischke 1151, 1 Credit, First Half Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17, International Perspectives (REFERENCE NUMBER 3552005)

About the Course: Climate change is bringing major changes to our planet. Some climate models suggest that the Greenland ice sheet could melt completely in the next 100 years causing sea level rise of 20 ft. In this seminar you will learn what may happen to some of the largest seaside cities in the world during your lifetime. The World Bank Group estimates that by 2050 about 216 million people around the world will be displaced by climate change impacts  In this seminar we will take a trip around the world to see what the impacts of sea level rise is having on millions of people including around our coasts here in the US and what cities and countries might become submerged in your lifetime.  You will also learn about the impact that the rising temperature is having on humans around the world.  It is estimated that by 2070 extreme hot zones could make up twenty percent of the land inhospitable to about one-third of humanity.  This seminar will provide you with a chance to discuss what may happen to humanity around the planet in your lifetime and what you and your generation can do to help shift the trajectory of climate change to keep the world hospitable for you and your offspring.

About the Instructor: Dick is a faculty member in both the department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management and the Global Resource Systems program.  He teaches courses in natural resource ecology and soils, watershed management and agriculture, food and natural global resource systems in both the NREM and Globe curricula.  He led numerous study abroad trips to China, South Korea, Thailand, Turkey, Greece, Mexico, Costa Rica, Peru, Ecuador, Ethiopia, South Africa and Uganda.  At present he is an active member of the Sustainable Rural Livelihoods Uganda program and leads trips over spring break and for 6 weeks in the summer to Kamuli Uganda where ISU students and Makerere University students team together to teach 5th and 6th grade science and agriculture, help create sustainable school gardens that produce vegetables for improved school lunches and make farm visits to local farmers to learn about their agricultural methods and them with on farm projects.  Dick believes that well educated college students should have a keen interest in both local, regional and global issues and brings each of those levels into each of his classes.


HON 322W, Christianity and Science, T 11:00-12:50, Jischke 1151, 1 Credit, First Half Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17, International Perspectives (REFERENCE NUMBER 3675005)

About the Course: Religion and science are two of the greatest cultural and intellectual forces that influence mankind. They are generally interested in different aspects of reality. Science addresses “how” questions while religion answers “why” questions. However, an area of common interest is the origin and history of life. This seminar will explore the interaction and boundaries between science and theology in this area of common interest. Topics and questions addressed included: Are Christianity and science friends or foes? The nature and limitations of science. The history of life on earth: The views from science and the Bible. What about human origins? Does science and/or evolution rule out God? Can something about God be known from nature? We will explore these topics through the writings of well-known scientists and theologians with expertise in these areas. Class time will generally be spent discussing weekly reading assignments.

About the Instructor: Ann L. Smiley is a Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and is also on faculty in Neuroscience. She directs the Neuromotor Control and Learning Research Laboratory studying how the brain controls movement, specifically in Parkinson’s disease and, currently, in Developmental Dyslexia. As a teacher, she has a passion to engage her students to think, integrate, and question. One question worth examining is one’s personal worldview. This course provides input for this process. In her personal examination and questioning, she has found science and the Christian faith to be compatible.


HON 322Y, Taking Care of your Mind, Body, and Soul, W 11:00-11:50, 1051 Gilman, 1 Credit, Full Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17 (REFERENCE NUMBER 3725005)

About the Course: Experiences with mental health and lack of self-care options have become an increasing problem for students. It is important for one's overall well-being to create a self-care practice that is sustained and consistent. Students will learn about different forms of self-care such as meditation, self-affirmations, and journal writing. Each week, students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities that will emphasize the importance of self-care in their daily lives. Students will also get the chance to hear from campus and community partners such as Student Wellness, Student Health, Green Dot, Margaret Sloss Center for Women and Gender Equity, and Mary Greeley Medical Center about available resources that they could incorporate into their personal self-care plan.

About the Instructor: Dr. Alissa Stoehr is an Associate Teaching Professor in the Women’s and Gender Studies Program and Sociology Department. She teaches a variety of courses, including Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies, Gender and Sexuality in American Popular Culture, and Human Trafficking.


HON 322Z, Reading the IPCC: A Student’s Guide to the Science of Climate Change, T 2:10-4:00, Jischke 1113, 1 Credit, First Half Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17, International Perspectives (REFERENCE NUMBER 8334005) (CANCELED)

About the Course: Let’s go beyond the soundbites about climate change and dive into the definitive document: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. We will read excerpts of the 2021 report on the Physical Science Basis of Climate Change. We will discuss the fundamental concepts needed to understand the physical, chemical, and biological processes that regulate the climate system and review data presented in the report that indicate climate is changing. Guest speakers will include Iowa State professors who contributed to the report. By the end of the course, students will have a solid basis for understanding how we know climate change is happening.

About the Instructor: Betsy Swanner is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences. Her research utilizes the chemistry and microbiology of Midwestern lakes to understand the environmental processes on the early Earth and Mars. Her teaching covers microbial and geochemical processes in waters that regulate greenhouse gas cycling. She is a National Science Foundation CAREER awardee and the 2023-24 recipient of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Cassling Innovation Award.


HON 324A, Conflicts in the Middle East, W 1:10-2:00, Pearson 3158, 1 Credit, Full Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17, International Perspectives (REFERENCE NUMBER 6424005)

About the Course: What are the current political conflicts in the Middle East? How to understand the wars in the Middle East? The seminar will examine the current political conflicts and wars in the Middle East. We will examine in depth the Arab-Israeli conflict, The Lebanese War, the Palestinian question and other regional issues (Iraq, the Kurds, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, etc). Students will understand the “complicated Middle East” and how these conflicts have been impacting the war on terrorism.

About the Instructor: Jean-Pierre Taoutel, Teaching Professor of French and Arabic, has been teaching at ISU since 1999. He holds an M.A and a D.E.A in French literature from the Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris, France. He has taught several Honors seminars. Jean-Pierre enjoys traveling and he has been in 50 countries.


HON 324B, Creative Writing Worldbuilding: Fantastic Places and How to Make Them, F 11:00-11:50, Jischke 1151, 1 Credit, Full Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17 (REFERENCE NUMBER 6467005)

About the Course: Have you ever wanted to create worlds that are striking, compelling, or just plain weird? Are you interested in writing fantasy, science-fiction, or any other kind of genre? In this seminar, you will craft, and breathe life into, a fictional world of your own design. You will also read, and watch, works of fiction rich in worldbuilding and world-centric storytelling to enhance your understanding of this vital element of creative writing. Additionally, you will have a greater understanding of, and appreciation for, many of the interesting complexities which compose the world(s) that we live in every day. This seminar is for fiction writers both new and veteran, in any genre.

About the Instructor: Michael Wettengel is a Lecturer in English at Iowa State University. He received his MA in Literature in Fall 2018 at Iowa State and his MFA in Creative Writing & Environment, also at Iowa State, in Spring 2021. He's taught Honors Seminars in the past and loved every one of them. As a writer, he specializes in crafting textured, complex fictional worlds and the characters who, often messily, navigate them.


HON 324C:Lessons on How to Enhance Your Success, T 12:40-2:30, Jischke 1113, 1 Credit, Second Half Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17, International Perspectives (REFERENCE NUMBER 6479005)

About the Course: Everyone wants to be successful.  This course is intended to help you understand some of the many principles for achieving success in your life.  A college degree can be important to obtaining success, but there are many other factors that you typically don't study in college and, thus, aren't aware of when you graduate and engage in a career.  Knowing about these success factors can help you jump start your career and become more successful throughout your career no matter what you do.  After taking this class, you should have a better understanding of the keys to success, so you won't have to just rely on luck or circumstance to be successful.  The course instructors and a number of class guests from different career areas (e.g. academia, business, sports) will share with you some principles that have helped them achieve success in their careers, principles that you will be able to use in your life and career.

About the Instructor: Darin Wohlgemuth: Dr. Wohlgemuth is an Associate Teaching Professor in the Economics Department at Iowa State University. He earned his Master’s and Ph.D. in Economics at Iowa State University. His research focused on the Demand for Higher Education. His career includes several years in Enrollment Services where he led a research group in Admissions, Financial Aid and the Registrar’s Office developing enrollment forecasts and strategies for recruitment and retention of students. He assisted Iowa State by developing the datasets and first working models of the University wide Responsibility Centered Budget Model that allocates tuition revenue to colleges on the basis of enrollment and student credit hours taught. In 2018 he joined the Department of Economics full-time as a teaching faculty and academic advisor. He teaches Principles of Microeconomics, Applied Economic Optimization, and Managerial Economics (in the MBA program). He is the co-advisor to the Undergraduate Economics Club and the Director of Undergraduate Programs for the Economics Dept.
About the Presenters:
Ron Deiter: Dr. Deiter came to ISU (Economics Department) in 1977 after completing his PhD in Agricultural Economics at the University of Illinois. After a successful 46-year career focusing on undergraduate teaching and advising, he taught his last full class F23. During his ISU career, he taught 16 different courses (3 of which he developed) and over 22,000 students. He has received numerous awards for teaching, advising, and service. With the help of others, he helped to build ISU's Ag Business program and club into the best in the nation. He leaves behind an endowed scholarship, club, and faculty position with each named in his honor.
Mark Smith: Mr. Smith holds a BS Chemical Engineering degree from Iowa State University and an MBA degree from Purdue University. His 36-year career was in crop protection chemicals with ELANCO, DowElanco, and Dow AgroSciences working in manufacturing, research, sales, and field technical support. He was recognized as a ‘Regional MVP’ five times and holds professional licenses for being a Professional Engineer and a Certified Crop Advisor. His last five years at Dow AgroSciences included recruiting, training, coaching/mentoring, and supporting new sales hires (mostly from Iowa State and Purdue). After retiring from Dow Ag, he was an independent consultant for eight independent retailers in Southern Illinois for four years. He moved to Ames in 2021 and began guest lecturing in the ISU engineering college.
Dustin Toberman: Mr. Toberman received a BA degree in Communication and Media Studies from McKendree University in 1997. In 1999, he graduated from the Dale Carnegie Sales Advantage program. He held management positions at Gavilon and Bunge N. America for 19 years before becoming Founder and President of Omni Ag Consulting in 2021, headquartered in Naples, FL.
Jamie Pollard: Mr. Pollard is the 14th and longest-tenured Director of Athletics in Iowa State history and fourth-longest serving active Power Five Director of Athletics. He enters his 19th year leading the Cyclones’ 18-sport intercollegiate athletics program in 2023-24. His vision for ISU student-athlete’s academic and athletic success, coupled with an unbridled passion to creatively execute that plan continues to have a major impact within the campus community, throughout the Big 12 Conference and across the intercollegiate athletics landscape. In 1987, he won the NCAA D-III Outdoor 5,000-meter title at Oshkosh (WI) in a then-school-record time. In 2019 he was recognized as National AD of the Year, in 2019 he was chosen to serve for 5 yrs on the NCAA Men’s Basketball Committee, in 2021-22 he was elected president of Nat’l Assoc of College Ads, and in 2023 he was named FBS Athletic Director of the Year.
Roger Underwood: Mr. Underwood obtained a B.S. degree in Ag Business at Iowa State University in 1980. His successful career as an entrepreneur began in 1982 when he co-founded Becker Underwood. The company began with a colorant used to mark areas in crop fields that had been sprayed. Over time, the company added new products such as seed colorants, seed coatings, and biological inoculants used in general agriculture, horticulture, forestry, aquatics, and landscaping. In 2012, Becker Underwood was sold to BASF Chemical Company for $1.02 billion. Today, Mr. Underwood is still actively involved in agricultural and philanthropic projects. He currently serves as Chair of Pivot Bio (an ag-bio-tech company), is a board member of Kent Corporation, is a founding limited partner of The Rural American Fund (a private equity company), and is a member of the ISU Foundation Board of Governors where he chaired ISU’s last fundraising campaign. He is a past board member of The Waldinger Corp and the Albaugh Chemical Co. Mr. Underwood has received numerous, prestigious awards including Outstanding ISU Ag Bus Alum (1996), Order of the Knoll Outstanding Young Alumnus (2000), ISU CALS Floyd Andre Award for outstanding contributions to agriculture, and ISU Cardinal and Gold membership (2011).
David Acker: Dr. Acker currently serves as associate dean for global engagement in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at ISU. He has served as an associate dean since 2005, including 15 years as associate dean for academic programs. He joined the college in 1995 as director of the college’s international programs. Prior to his time at ISU, he led USAID projects in Africa for Oregon State University. He is the Raymond and Mary Baker Chair for Global Agriculture in the Ag Education and Studies Department. He has more than 40 years of experience in international agriculture and education where he has administered programs or given lectures in over 20 different international countries. Acker completed a PhD in Vocational Education from Oregon State University in 1989


HON 324D: Money Management, T 4:10-6:00, Gerdin 3164, 1 Credit, First Half Semester, Enrollment Limit: 17. (Reference #6504005)

About the Course: This course is designed to help students acquire sound money management skills. It will include a series of seminars featuring experts in the field of finance. Students will have an opportunity to interact directly with finance professionals and also learn from their lectures. The objective of this course is to help students learn to effectively manage student loans and credit card debt, create balanced budgets, develop good saving habits, identify profitable investment options, and follow proper risk management strategies. The last 30 minutes of each session would be open to discussions and questions.

About the Instructor: Dr. Shoba Premkumar is a Teaching Professor at Ivy College of Business- Finance Department.